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0141 404 0015 (East Ren)

How to make a complaint

Anyone receiving a service from Women’s Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire has the opportunity to express their positive and negative experiences. We welcome all feedback and aim to continuously improve our services.

If you wish to complain about an individual(s) employed by WASLER, in the first instance, you should contact Heather Russell CEO with details of your complaint.

Heather Russell


Edinburgh House

Princes Sq

East Kilbride

G74 1LJ or 01355 249897

The communication should be marked “private and confidential”.

If your complaint is in connection with the CEO, then you should write to the Chair of WASLER Board, Laura McKnight, at the same address.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, record the details of your complaint and will appoint a member of staff to investigate the matter.

If your complaint is about the CEO, the Chairperson will appoint someone from the board of directors to carry out the investigation.

The complaint will be investigated and, where appropriate, will include an interview with the person making the complaint, who may choose to be accompanied by a representative or friend. A record of any such meetings will be taken, and signed as correct by both parties. Records of any meetings will be kept on file.

After a full investigation, you will receive a reply from the investigator, within 15 working days of receipt of the complaint, or within 15 days of the interview, whichever is the later. In the reply, you will be asked if you are satisfied with the outcome, and you will be given the option to appeal within 15 working days if not. The investigator will inform the CEO (or Chair of the Board) of the outcome.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you can make an appeal and this will be considered by either the CEO or a representative of the Board of Directors who has no previous involvement in the issue.

You will be advised of the outcome of the appeal within 15 working days. This decision will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into regarding the complaint.

Details will be kept confidential and will be kept on file, identified only by the date and outcome of the complaint, and any recommendations made. The number of complaints will be monitored in the Complaints Register and an annual report will be provided to the board of directors. The Care Inspectorate will inspect our complaints and outcomes during inspections. Only the outcomes and recommendations will be reported to the Board and Staff members.

The complainant has the right to approach the Care Inspectorate at any time in this process.

Make a donation

If you’d like to help us make a difference in women, children and young people’s lives please follow the link below.

Donate to WASLER

Work for us

If you’d like to work or volunteer for us, you can see our current vacancies here.

Vacancies and volunteering
