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We provide a variety of group work sessions for women and children.


Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme explores how attitudes and beliefs influence the behavior of abusive men and the responses of survivors. Its goal is to help you understand and make sense of your experience, rather than feeling overwhelmed by it. The programme takes places once a week for two hours a week, over seven weeks.



Peer Support Groups

Our Peer Support Groups offer women who have accessed our services and received one-to-one support the chance to connect with others who have had similar experiences. Whether over coffee and conversation or through creative activities, these groups are designed to build confidence and reduce isolation.

Peer Support Groups run in East Kilbride, Blantyre and are soon to be established in the Clydesdale area. These groups are open to women currently receiving support from WASLER.


CEDAR (Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Recovery) Programme

The CEDAR Programme is a unique way of working with children, young people and their mothers who have experienced domestic abuse. The programme takes place over 12 sessions with groups for children, young people and their mothers running in parallel. 

These groups offer a space for children to explore their experiences and emotions through fun, creative activities that encourage engagement and interaction. They also provide a safe environment for children and their mothers to support one another in finding effective ways to navigate their experiences and rebuild their lives. A key aim of the programme is to empower mothers to support their children in their recovery.


CEDAR Referral Information

CEDAR Referral Form


WASLER Art Workshops

The art workshops are one of the peer support groups we offer at WASLER. We run short and long-term projects as well as drop-in ar­­­­­­­­­­­­­t sessions.

We believe art has the power to be transformative, enhancing well-being and supporting recovery. Our art workshops provide a safe space to reconnect with yourself and others through meaningful creative activities. Participants can explore various art forms, including drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, and sound. Experienced freelance creative practitioners and artists are on hand to offer guidance and encouragement.

Past projects have evolved through discussion and collaboration between WASLER’s teams, Harriet Tritton our Freelance Arts Co-ordinator and Facilitator, and the women accessing support through WASLER. We have also run art workshops with the children and young people receiving support.

The values of our organisation are reflected in the art workshops, which aim to empower participants through an introduction to and engagement with Women’s and Feminist Art and Socially Engaged Art.

Past groups have participated in large-scale public art events including Processions, Edinburgh 2018, and global campaigns such as International Women’s Day and 16 Days of Activism. They have also showcased work in private exhibitions held for family, friends and WASLER staff.

Past projects and workshops have been made possible through the generous support of funders: Awards For All Scotland, ROSA, The William Syson Foundation.


Workshop Info & Updates

We are currently seeking funding for new arts projects and will share updates on our website and social media. You can also check with your support workers, the WASLER team, or email for information about art workshops and upcoming or past projects.

You can also visit the Wasler Arts website here: WASLER ARTS| Art Workshops| Women’s Aid South Lan & East Ren.

Make a donation

If you’d like to help us make a difference in women, children and young people’s lives please follow the link below.

Donate to WASLER

Work for us

If you’d like to work or volunteer for us, you can see our current vacancies here.

Vacancies and volunteering
